Saturday, October 8, 2011


Well we are home.  My brand new baby girl is officially part of our home.  I am glad that she is here and is healthy.  Coming home helps me realize how much easier it was to take care of her before...but it wasn't as fun!    She is a typical newborn, eat, sleeps, poops...cuddles with me during nap time. 
I will admit that I was not near as anxious to come home as my husband was.  Not that I didn't want to be home but because I new I would have to return to being a mom of multiple kids and many "duties."  The responsibility of taking care of things in my home, rather then just being taken care of and having little to no responsibility can be enjoyable.  Not that I would want it very long or very often, but I was enjoying it.  I guess being waited on now and then is just fine.  Being home just makes me feel like I should be taking care of my typical responsibilities.
Thankfully my mom has taken over some (probably most!) of my responsibility around the house.  It is very nice to have her here and also to have my dad here because the boys love playing with him and it gives me a break.  The real life of being a mom of three will begin when my husband goes back to work and my parents leave.  Luckily I have a few days before then.
So until then I will just enjoy the next few days and keep telling myself it is okay to let people do things for me :)

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